
Course Focus

GM.1 Identify SDA Christian principles and values in correlation with mathematics.
GM.1.1 Recognize God as Creator and Sustainer of an ordered universe.
GM.1.2 Value God’s inspired writings and created works as a revelation of His precision, accuracy, and exactness.
GM.1.3 Develop accountability as expressed in God’s word and laws.
GM.1.4 Employ Christian principles as a basis for learning and growth.
GM.1.5 Broaden intellectual abilities through the study of mathematics.
GM.1.6 Make biblically-based choices when dealing with mathematical data.
GM.1.7 Apply biblical principles of Christian morality, integrity, and ethical behavior to mathematical processes.

Course Abilities

GM.2 Develop abilities in mathematics.
GM.2.1 Understand mathematical concepts (number sense, algebraic and geometric thinking, measurement, data analysis, and probability). MP.7
GM.2.2 Utilize the problem-solving process (explore, plan, solve, verify). MP.1, MP.2
GM.2.3 Develop higher-order thinking skills (analyze, evaluate, reason, classify, predict, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify, model, synthesize). MP.2, MP.3, MP.4
GM.2.4 Attend to precision. MP.6
GM.3 Be able to apply mathematical knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes.
GM.3.1 Use a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process (i.e. patterns, tables, diagrams). MP.7, MP.8
GM.3.2 Conduct research (locate, observe/gather, analyze, conclude).
GM.3.3 Perform calculations with and without technology in life situations. MP.5
GM.3.4 Read critically and communicate proficiently with mathematical vocabulary.

Course Content

GM.4 Be able to understand terms and symbols of geometry
GM.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of undefined terms (point, line, plane, and space). G-CO.1
GM.4.2 Interpret properties and relationships among figures using inductive and deductive reasoning.
GM.4.3 Understand how basic mathematical systems are built (observations, hypotheses/conjectures, postulates, theorems, corollaries).
GM.4.4 Classify and characterize figures and objects (i.e. angles, polygons, polyhedrons, circles, and spheres). G-CO.1, G-C.2, G-MG.1
GM.4.5 Recognize various types of symmetry and transformations. G-CO.2,3,4
GM.5 Be able to represent geometric properties and relationships.
GM.5.1 Specify spatial relationships using coordinate geometry. G-CO.5,6
GM.5.2 Identify measurable attributes of figures and objects. G-GMD.4
GM.5.3 Verify similarity and congruence of geometric figures. G-CO.6,7,8, G-SRT.1,2,3, G-C.1
GM.6 Be able to apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to interpret and solve problems.
GM.6.1 Apply coordinate geometry and algebraic formulas to verify characteristics of geometric figures. G-SRT.5, G-GPE.1,4,5,7, G-GMD.3
GM.6.2 Select and use an appropriate direct or indirect method of measurement. G-GPE.6, G-C.3,4
GM.6.3 Construct geometric figures and objects. G-CO.12,13, G-C.3,4
GM.6.4 Use trigonometric functions and laws to solve triangles and find areas. G-SRT.6,7,8,9
GM.6.5 Apply geometric methods to solve real-life problems. G-MG.1,2,3
GM.6.6 Use formulas to find measurable attributes of figures and objects (i.e. arc, sector, perimeter, area, surface area, volume). G-C.2, G-GMD.1,2
GM.7 Be able to analyze results and draw appropriate conclusions.
GM.7.1 Investigate, apply, and prove properties and theorems. G-CO.9,10,11, G-SRT.4,5, G-C.1, G-GPE.4,5
GM.7.2 Find and interpret information from graphs, charts, and numerical data.
GM.7.3 Make conjectures regarding meaning, utility, and reasonableness of findings in a variety of situations, including those carried out by technology.